The largest orthopaedic implant device registry in the world with now over 4 million procedure records, which in turn feed into nationally-led Model Health System and GIRFT improvement support programmes.
Presenting joint replacement data with up to 21 years of follow up; offering hospitals, surgeons and patients invaluable opportunities to understand the factors that influence outcome and longevity of joint replacement procedures.
NJR data creates the ability to drive forward change, influence best practice, undertake important research and maximise patient safety.
NJR data collection and processing activities are fully compliant with UK GDPR and Common Law Duty of Confidentiality. Our data processing locations are ISO27001 certified. Patient data is in safe hands.
NJR Management Feedback where hospital-level Annual Clinical Reports, including a wide range of informative metrics on performance outcomes, are shared with hospitals and can be used to support local quality improvement for the benefit of patients.
NJR Annual Report provides useful information about the progress and development of the NJR, analysis of clinical activity and outcomes after joint replacement surgery and indicators of implant and hospital activity and outcomes.
NJR StatsOnline enables the public and hospitals to view and download NJR statistics in respect of number of operations submitted to the NJR and consent rate, thus providing hospitals with valuable data in respect of best practice metrics to inform quality improvement for joint replacement surgery.
NJR Surgeon and Hospital performance monitoring provides regular monitoring of surgeon and hospital outcomes to enable early warning of any performance issues by alerting surgeons and Medical Directors to worse than expected outcomes.
NJR Clinician Feedback provides a portal for surgeons to review and validate their data on a regular basis and compare their performance with peers on both a local and a national level.
NJR Data for surgeon appraisals is a mechanism integrated into our reporting system to enable surgeons the opportunity to demonstrate that they have reviewed their NJR data as part of their appraisal and revalidation. Supported by NHS England and the British Orthopaedic Association, this functionality aids both surgeon and appraiser to drive a positive, professional culture, with a focus of patient safety.
NJR Implant Outlier Process supports implant manufacturers in routine post market surveillance of implants, provides information to clinicians, patients, hospitals and regulatory bodies on device performance and also enables early warning of any potential patient safety issues so appropriate action can be taken.
Price benchmarking provides individual component granularity of costs for hip and knee implants. This benchmarking service has been developed to be clinically meaningful and is not available through other procurement benchmarking services.
Hospitals and clinicians have access to a full range of reports and publications related to NJR data through our reporting platform and websites.
Access to implant pricing reports that enable hospitals to achieve transparency in hip and knee implant pricing and understand variation in comparison to other ‘best’ national prices.
The service also provides a unique opportunity to benchmark implant prices against performance in a clinical context and support value for money in the procurement of orthopaedic implants.
Many trusts routinely use NJR data to inform best value and value for money programmes - national evidence consistently illustrates significant savings in implant costs as a result of using NJR information services.
NJR data assist surgeons by sharing the knowledge to choose the best implants for patients.
Provide early warning of any potential device issues through scrutiny of implant performance.
Provide hospitals with patient details in the rare case of implantable medical device recall.
Implementation of an implant scanning application with free digital interface to assist hospitals in determining procedure implant compatibility and limit the risk of ‘never events’ (NJR Healthcare Safety Investigative Branch report 2019 recommendation).
Empower patients in the shared decision-making process by providing them with information to find out more about the performance outcomes of the implants available to them.
Enhance patient safety by providing a website with up-to-date information on outcomes for surgeons and hospitals and take action on poor performance where it is needed.
Improve patient safety and reassurance by encouragement of best practice behaviour through provision of surgeon specific data and downloadable reports to support their clinical appraisals.
NJR Regional Clinical Coordinators is a network of orthopaedic surgeons who champion the NJR at a local level and are available to offer guidance and advice to other clinicians in their region.
NJR Compliance Officers is a specialist support team who support the NJR Regional Clinical Coordinators and provide advice, training and guidance in relation to NJR responsibilities to all hospital staff and clinicians that are engaged in NJR work at local level.
NJR Service Desk is a phone and email response service that is available to hospitals to provide advice and information on any aspect of the work of the NJR.
NJR Regional Events are bi-annual training, learning and information forums for hospital staff, offered without charge for continuing professional development to support data entry staff in their work.
Enable data teams in hospitals to match information in the registry with that held on hospital systems to ensure all procedures are captured and data quality is accurate.
Audits provides the potential to improve any loss of payment to hospitals under national and local 'payment by results' initiatives.
An updated automated data quality system more effortlessly allows for direct comparison of a hospital’s reported activity against NJR activity; enabling easier identification of missing cases in either system, thus reducing the previous burden on hospital staff in manually checking data.
The annual NJR Data Quality Award Programme provides hospitals with public recognition for their quality achievements and provides support for promotion both through their own and through the NJR's communication and social media channels.
NJR ‘Surgeon and Hospital’ reporting, providing access for patients and public, about the performance of hospitals and individual surgeons in the preceding three years; View here
NJR website, including the Patient Decision Support Tool, enabling patients to understand the potential risks and benefits of surgery and be better equipped to share in evidence-based decision-making and choices on their treatment plans; View here
Publication of a range of patient-facing information and a newly developing patient website section.
NJR Patient Reported Outcome Measures [PROMs] delivers longitudinal understanding of the patient perspective of their own outcomes and health improvements, measured both pre-and post-surgery.
Because the NJR has a complete and high quality, routinely collected data source, NJR data is regularly used by clinicians and academics in valuable statistical research, which enhances understanding of performance and outcomes in joint replacement leading to improved standards of care.
The NJR Data Access Portal provides a secure means of data sharing with researchers (NJR cost-recovery data access fees apply).